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Nov 4 2010

Compliance program monitors Licensee Information

 Categories:  Board News The NCMB has established a new program to ensure complete and accurate reporting and publication of certain licensee… Read More…
Nov 4 2010

Getting started with NEPP: “Bite-sized nutrition education for practicing physicians

 Categories:  Special Features The Nutrition Education for Practicing Physicians (NEPP) program at UNC Chapel Hill’s School of Public Health teaches… Read More…
Nov 3 2010

UNC-CH study: Nutrition educaton in med school lacking

 Categories:  Special Features A survey conducted by UNC Chapel Hill researchers found that, on average, students at U.S. medical schools receive 19.6… Read More…
Nov 3 2010

Test your nutrition KNOW-HOW

 Categories:  Special Features How prepared are you to address diet- and nutrition-related issues that come up in your clinical practice? The program… Read More…
Nov 3 2010

What physicians don’t know about nutrition (but have every reason to learn)

 Categories:  Special Features A quick look at the leading causes of illness and death makes it clear that knowledge of nutrition is critical to the… Read More…
Nov 3 2010

Medical Board installs officers for 2010-2011

 Categories:  Announcements The NC Medical Board has seated its Board officers for the coming year. Janice E. Huff, MD, of Charlotte, will serve as… Read More…
Nov 3 2010

Guidelines for advertising board certifications advance

 Categories:  Board News At its September meeting, the Board adopted the report of its Task Force on Physician Advertising Standards. The report… Read More…
Nov 3 2010

Board clarifies standards for publication of misdemeanors

 Categories:  Board News The Board has approved changes to the rules governing publication of misdemeanor convictions by physicians and physician… Read More…
Nov 3 2010

Revisiting ‘practice drift’ - Reader response calls for clarification

 Categories:  Board News In the Summer 2010 issue of the Forum, Dr. Jablonski’s President’s Message discussed the phenomenon of “practice… Read More…
Nov 3 2010

2009-2010: The NCMB’s ‘Year of Transparency’

 Categories:  President’s Message It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I was sworn in as the first osteopathic physician to serve as the NCMB’s… Read More…