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Dec 14 2012

Board reviews, revises five Position Statements

 Categories:  Board News, Position Statements Comments:   comments  Print Friendly Version  |   Share this item
The Policy Committee of the NC Medical Board regularly reviews and, as needed, amends its position statements to ensure they remain current and relevant to the situations licensees face in day-to-day practice. During its meetings in July and September, the Policy Committee reviewed and the full Board approved changes to five position statements. The titles of the revised statements appear below, along with a brief summary of changes approved.

View the complete collection of Board position statements.

Care of the Patient Undergoing Surgical or Other Invasive Procedure: Changes simplify language in the second and third sentences of the statement.

Writing of prescriptions: Changes modify statement to address electronic prescribing of controlled substances position on Self-Treatment and Treatment of Family Members.

Medical Testimony: No substantive changes; the word “physician” is changed to “licensee” throughout.

The physician-patient relationship: Italicizes, for emphasis, the line that reads: The Board believes the interests and health of the people of North Carolina are best served when the physician-patient relationship remains inviolate. In addition, statement is amended to say that its fundamental principles apply to all licensees.

The retired physician/licensee: No substantive changes; the word “physician” is changed to “licensee” throughout.

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