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Apr 23 2014

Board seeks feedback on revised chronic pain policy

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The NCMB is seeking feedback from licensees and other interested parties on a draft position statement on the use of controlled substances for the treatment of chronic pain. The draft position statement was tentatively adopted by the Board at its March meeting. After receiving comments from stakeholders, the Board will reconsider the position statement and all feedback before finally approving the policy. Comments must be submitted to the Board on or before May 23.

To submit a comment, please send an email to

Individuals or organizations submitting feedback should identify themselves and clearly state the interest they represent (eg, prescriber or other healthcare worker, Project Lazarus, palliative care, addiction specialist, member of the public, patient, etc.) Medical professionals should include their license type (eg MD, RN, NP, PA, etc.) and, where appropriate, their specialty (eg, internist, anesthesiologist, family medicine, psychiatry etc.) and area of practice (eg, pain medicine, family medicine, urgent care, etc.) When referencing specific portions of the position statement, commentators should indicate the page number and line item in the draft policy that their comment addresses.


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