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Feb 3 2015

Call for comments: Board considers position statement on physician compounding

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NOTE: After considering feedback received, NCMB decided not to pursue a position statement on physician compounding. The Board has no position on this topic.

At its meeting in January, the NCMB adopted for consideration a proposed position statement to provide guidance to licensees who may be engaged in the practice of compounding and dispensing prescription medications to patients from their medical practices.

Email comments and supporting materials, if any, to by 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 27. The Board will consider all feedback and make adjustments, if needed, before finally approving the position statement.

The position statement defines compounding and sets out expectations for licensees who compound for their patients, including:
• Compounding must be done for a specific individual patient
• The patient must have a prescription order that states the medical necessity of the compounded drug
• Patients must be adequately informed that they are receiving a compounded drug and be made aware of risks associated with that particular compound
• If the licensee collects a fee or charge from the patient for the compounded drug, the licensee must register with the NC Board of Pharmacy and obtain a dispensing permit
• Licensees engaged in compounding must comply with all applicable U.S. Food and Drug Administration requirements

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