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Dec 21 2022

Celebrate the season - but not too much

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As we observe the holidays each year, opportunities to indulge at parties and events abound. In a grim reminder of the consequences of overindulging, NCMB typically sees an increase in reports of licensee arrests for DWI from Thanksgiving until the New Year.

Driving while under the influence of alcohol or other substances not only puts others at risk but may also negatively affect employment or result in regulatory action. DWIs or any arrest related to alcohol or controlled substances must be reported to NCMB.

This time of year can also be especially difficult for people who are experiencing stress, burnout and/or depression, making some more inclined to turn to alcohol and other substances.

Licensees who are struggling with alcohol or substance use, or mental health issues, are encouraged to seek support and assistance if they need it. As a reminder, the NC Professionals Health Program (NCPHP) offers free initial consultations to licensees. Contact NCPHP 24 hours a day seven days a week to schedule a confidential meeting with a counselor by calling 919-870-4480.

NCMB wishes a peaceful and safe holiday to all.

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