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Nov 15 2013

Did you know?

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Licensees are required to report changes in certain information, such as practice address and phone number or current area of practice, to the Board within 60 days. Many licensees wait to report this information during their annual renewal.

However, this can result in incomplete or inaccurate information appearing on the Board’s public website. In some situations, it may mean that the Board does not have up-to-date contact information for licensees who select their practice address as their mailing address.

Clip and save this guide to reporting required information to the Board to make sure you are in compliance.

New or changed information in the following categories must be reported within 60 days:
  • Board certifications (Only certifications conferred by boards approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties, Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists of the American Osteopathic Association or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada)

  • Area(s) of practice

  • Hospital privileges (within NC)

  • Address and telephone number of the primary practice setting

  • Medical licenses, active or inactive, granted by another state or country

  • Final suspensions or revocations of hospital privileges

  • Final disciplinary orders or actions of any regulatory board or agency, including other state medical boards, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Medicare or the NC Medicaid program

  • Felony convictions

  • Misdemeanor convictions

  • Malpractice payments

Information in the following categories, by law, must be reported to the Board within 30 days:
  • Arrests related to alcohol or substance use/abuse (DUI, DWI, etc.)

  • Arrests related to controlled substances offenses

  • Any felony arrest

Updating your information is easy
1. Visit
2. Select “Update Licensee Info Page” from the green Quick Links box at the right of the Home Page. Log in to report/update your information. You will need the fileID# assigned to you by the Board. If you do not have this number, you will be able to log in via an alternate means.

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