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Aug 24 2017

Faculty needed for upcoming controlled substances CME panel sessions

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Image for Faculty needed for upcoming controlled substances CME panel sessions NCMB and Wake AHEC have obtained grant funding to develop a statewide series of panel discussions on responsible opioid prescribing practices. Panel discussions will cover the educational topics required by NCMB’s new CME requirement for controlled substances prescribers and will offer two hours of AMA PRA Category 1 CME credit at no cost to attendees.

An initial series of four panel sessions reached about 400 prescribers in the greater Triangle area. The next phase of this project will include up to 20 additional panel sessions, to be held statewide beginning in September.

The Board is seeking clinicians with relevant experience in primary care, psychiatry, addiction medicine and pain management to serve as faculty. If you are interested in serving as a panelist for sessions held in your region, please email the Board at

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