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Resources & Information

Aug 27 2015

Is your licensee information page ready for visitors?

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Did you know every licensed physician and physician assistant has a licensee information page on the Board’s website? Patients and others access these more than 3,000 times each day on average, making licensee information the most-used resource available at

Maintaining accurate, complete information on every physician and PA is an ongoing challenge for the Board. Despite efforts to make it easy for licensees to update required information such as current practice address or hospital privileges during the annual renewal process or via the Board’s website, NCMB staff members regularly receive questions about incomplete or inaccurate pages. Omissions or errors can reflect poorly on the licensee and, in some cases, may even violate state law.

The NCMB is in the process of establishing a new compliance program to encourage licensees to keep their information current, and to assist those who have not done this in bringing their information up to date. The program is not intended to be punitive. Rather, its purpose is to bring more licensees into full compliance with NCGS 90-5.2-5.3, which specifies information to be provided to the public.

It’s easy to update your licensee information page:
    1. Visit
    2. Select “Update my licensee information page” from the bottom left corner of the Home Page (sixth bulleted item under Resources)
    3. Login and update your information.

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