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Sep 23 2020

Listen to our new podcast!

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Image for Listen to our new podcast! NCMB is excited to announce that it has launched its podcast, MedBoard Matters!

The podcast will highlight important issues in medicine and medical regulation. Our goal is to present compelling content in an easy-to-digest and enjoyable format. We are excited about this new platform and we hope that you, our licensees, will be interested in listening! Search for “MedBoard Matters” on your platform of choice to subscribe! We plan to post episodes at least once a month. Our first full episode, on suicide prevention awareness, is now available. Listen to it here.

If you have questions you have always wanted to ask the Board, or if you have ideas for specific topics you would like to see NCMB present on MedBoard Matters, we would love to hear from you! Send your suggestions and questions to

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