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Resources & Information

Aug 31 2023

NCMB establishes resource page for licensees under terms and conditions, monitoring

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NCMB has established a resource page on its website to allow licensees who are subject to terms and conditions related to a disciplinary or licensure order to communicate with the Board more easily. Find the page at

Examples include licensees who have been ordered to obtain an evaluation or examination (such as a substance use or neurological function assessment), directed to identify, complete and report continuing medical education on a specific topic or required to use a chaperone when examining patients.

The page also includes information on how to ask that a regulatory order be terminated or “relieved” when a licensee had complied with all terms set by NCMB. NCMB does not terminate regulatory orders automatically. Obtaining an order for relief of consent order obligations results in a public document that states successful completion of terms and conditions.

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