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Oct 29 2024

NCMB temporarily waives certain licensure, supervision requirements in response to Helene

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Hurricane Helene's devastating impact on western North Carolina has prompted a massive response to assist the thousands of people in need of housing, water, food and medical care. NCMB has taken a number of steps to help facilitate the medical response to Helene, including temporarily waiving the requirement for PAs and NPs to have a supervising physician when working in areas impacted by the hurricane.

At an October 14 emergency meeting, NCMB voted to ease certain licensure and supervision requirements for NPs, PAs, and physicians wishing to provide medical care in the areas impacted by Hurricane Helene. These areas include the following counties: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Clay, Cleveland, Gaston, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancey and Cherokee (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians).


Per the Board’s waiver, PAs with a full and unrestricted license going to work or volunteer in the affected region:
• May practice without a supervising physician and supervisory agreement while in the affected region.
• May write prescriptions without a supervisory agreement; PAs must notify the Board that they are going to work in the affected area without supervision. Interested licensees should send an email to
This limited approval to work without supervision is in effect until March 1, 2025.


Out of State PAs with a full and unrestricted license may apply for a Limited Emergency License:
• Supervisory requirements have been waived, including for prescribing, if working in the affected area. PAs must notify the Board if they are going to work in the affected area without supervision. Interested licensees should send an email to
• This limited approval to work without supervision is in effect until March 1, 2025.
• If working with a supervising physician, the PA must complete an Intent to Practice form, which can be submitted through NCMB’s Licensure Gateway.


Physicians and PAs who have been inactive for five years or less and previously held a North Carolina license can apply for a Limited Emergency License.
• Inactive physicians and PAs must not have become inactive while under a consent order, order of discipline, or investigation.
• PA supervisory requirements have been waived if PA is working in the affected area. PAs must notify the Board if they are going to work in the affected area without supervision. Interested licensees should send an email to
• If working with a supervising physician, the PA must complete an Intent to Practice form, which can be submitted through NCMB’s Licensure Gateway.
• Limited Emergency Licenses for physicians and PAs are now in effect until 30 days after the end of the declared State of Emergency in North Carolina.

Read the order reactivating the limited emergency license.

NOTE on PA practice

PAs who are currently licensed in North Carolina who wish to practice or volunteer in the affected areas may do so with or without a supervising physician without applying for a special license. To practice without supervision in the affected region, PAs must first notify the Board by sending an email to

Out of state PAs may also practice or volunteer in the affected areas with or without supervision after being approved for a Limited Emergency License. To do so, they must first notify the Board by sending an email to The email shall be a simple statement notifying the Board of the PA’s name and license number and their intent to practice in the affected areas. No other information will be required.


NP approval to practice and registration in North Carolina was also addressed during the meeting. View the approved waivers for nurse practitioners.

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