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Nov 18 2016

Raleigh health care attorney appointed to NCMB

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Mr. Shawn P. Parker of Raleigh was appointed to the Board in August by Gov. Pat McCrory as one of NCMB's three public members. Mr. Parker practices law at Smith Anderson in Raleigh, where he is a member of the Health Care team, advising clients on health care policy, legislative advocacy, executive strategy, and regulatory guidance concerning business planning of organized medicine. Previously, Mr. Parker served as a managing partner for a public policy consulting firm working with clients in government agencies and the private sector. He has also worked for the NC General Assembly, most recently as a senior staff attorney.

Mr. Parker earned his legal degree, cum laude, from North Carolina Central University School of Law. He also completed a bachelor of science in education, magna cum laude, and a master of public administration degree at Western Carolina University.

Mr. Parker is an active member of the Wake County Bar Association, where he serves on the Bylaws Committee and on the Bar Candidate Interview Committee for the 10th Judicial District. He currently serves as co-editor of the North Carolina Bar Association Health Law Section publication Prognosis.

Mr. Parker serves on the Outreach and Policy committees

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