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Aug 6 2020

Watch out for scammers posing as NCMB

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Recently NCMB has heard from licensees who have been targeted by scammers representing themselves as North Carolina Medical Board investigators or other Board officials. We are posting this notice to raise awareness of this possible threat.

Scammers have approached licensed physicians or other medical professionals via telephone or in writing. The specific scenario presented to the licensee who is the target of the scam seems to vary, but NCMB has heard of the following two:

• The licensee is told that he or she is under investigation and will receive a disciplinary action unless an immediate payment is made;
• The licensee is told that his or her license is expired or that annual registration did not go through and cannot be reinstated without an immediate payment;
• Phone scams may involve multiple “officials” – such as NCMB investigators or "Drug Enforcement Administration agents" - who claim to have evidence of wrongdoing by the licensee.

If you receive any communication, via telephone or letter, that demands immediate payment, NCMB’s advises you NOT to provide any personal or financial information to the individual or individuals requesting it.

• If you are speaking with the caller, HANG UP;
• If you receive a letter that provides a telephone number, DO NOT CALL IT. Scammers may use technology that makes it appear you have dialed the actual North Carolina Medical Board when, in fact, you are speaking with a con artist.

You may wish to contact NCMB at 919-326-1100 or to report the communication received and confirm the current status of your license.

If you have provided personal or financial information to an individual you think may be a scammer, find information on steps you can take to protect yourself below.

What if I gave out my credit card number?

If you provided your credit card number or other financial information to someone you believe may be a scammer, you should immediately notify the credit card issuer and report it as lost/stolen. In addition, you can put a temporary credit freeze on yourself with the three credit bureaus to prevent scammers from opening new accounts in your name. Be aware that you will be unable to obtain instant credit, obtain a loan or request a credit report until you notify the credit bureau to lift the freeze.




I believe my identity may have been stolen

Find information on how to report identity theft at the Federal Trade Commission’s website.

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