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Aug 16 2016

Coming soon: Mandatory registration with state controlled substances database

The state appropriations bill includes a provision to require mandatory registration with the NC Controlled Substances… Read More…
Aug 16 2016

Expanded access to overdose “rescue” drug

A new state law signed in June by Gov. Pat McCrory authorizes NC’s State Health Director to issue a statewide standing… Read More…
Aug 16 2016

2016 Legislative update

Legislation passed in the final days of the recently adjourned session of the NC General Assembly – HB728 – made… Read More…
Aug 16 2016

Avoiding problems and miscommunications with UDS: Three scenerios

Possible overuse of UDS Scenario: A patient contacts the Board, stating that the medical practice providing pain… Read More…
Aug 16 2016

Trending Topic: Urine Drug Screening

Current standards of care related to opioid prescribing encourage physicians and physician assistants to take appropriate… Read More…
Aug 16 2016

Board confirms officer slate for 2016-2017

The Board approved its leadership team for the 2016-2017 operating year during the July Board Meeting. In accordance with… Read More…
Aug 16 2016

Outreach Spotlight: Summer 2016 Forum

NCMB’s efforts to expand outreach are bearing fruit. As of the first half of 2016, the Board had increased the number of… Read More…
Aug 16 2016

Coming to terms with opioid prescribing: Safe treatment is the goal

 Categories:  President’s Message In recent months, I’ve sent emails to all North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB or the Board) licensees to make them aware… Read More…
Aug 8 2016

NCMB offers multiple pathways to register for prescription database

Did you know that you can register for access to the NC Controlled Substances Reporting System (NCCSRS) while completing… Read More…
Jun 9 2016

Questions about opioid prescribing? NCMB speakers have answers

Responsible opioid prescribing is currently one of the Board’s most active policy and regulatory priorities. Inviting an… Read More…