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Nov 15 2013

Did you know?

Licensees are required to report changes in certain information, such as practice address and phone number or current area… Read More…
Nov 15 2013

Board welcomes new Investigations Department director

 Categories:  Announcements Jerry D. Weaver took over as the NCMB’s Investigations Department director on September 1. He leads a staff of 14,… Read More…
Nov 15 2013

The NCMB’s growing PA population

Physician assistants are the NCMB’s fastest growing licensee group. Since 2009, their ranks have increased by 2,000 to… Read More…
Nov 15 2013

Board elects officers to lead in 2014

 Categories:  Board News The NC Medical Board officers for the coming year begin their terms November 1. Paul S. Camnitz, of Greenville, will serve… Read More…
Nov 15 2013


Joseph Campbell said, “Follow your bliss.” I am sure blissful is not how I would describe the state of my fellow… Read More…
Nov 15 2013

That black and white thing on your NCMB wallet card…

 Categories:  Announcements The next time you complete your annual license renewal, you may notice something different about the wallet card included… Read More…
Nov 15 2013

Survey results: Controlled substance prescribing

 Categories:  Announcements Read More…
Nov 15 2013

The NCMB and you: forging a better relationship between Board and licensee

 Categories:  President’s Message As the end of not only my year as Board president but my six years of Board membership drew near, I wondered what would… Read More…
Oct 18 2013

Updated Project Lazarus Controlled Substances CME list

Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) is expanding the Project Lazarus approach to the management of chronic pain… Read More…
Aug 6 2013

Controlled substances CME event set for Raleigh: October 25

 Categories:  Announcements The NCMB has partnered with the North Carolina Medical Society and other health care organizations to give licensees the… Read More…